A valuable online tool is “Nursing Home Compare” found in the “Search Tools” area of medicare.gov.

The Medicare website has a list of items that may help you determine what facility is best for you. Visit medicare.gov to find the full checklist or review this partial list below.

Consider the following when you visit a care facility:

Basic Information

  • If the skilled nursing facility (SNF) offers the type of skilled care needed, is there a bed available?
  • Is the facility conveniently located for family, friends, and other visitors?
  • If special services are needed (rehab, dementia care, ventilator), does the SNF offer them, and is space in these unit available?

Resident Appearance

  • Are residents clean, appropriately dressed for the season or time of day, and well groomed?

Living Spaces

  • Is the facility clean and tidy?
  • Is the facility kept at a temperature comfortable for the residents?


  • Are there friendly, respectful, warm relationships between residents and staff?
  • Do all staff members wear identification?
Residents’ Rooms

  • Do resident rooms contain personal belongings, such as furniture, décor, photos, and other items?
  • Is each resident given storage space for their belongings (e.g. closet, drawers) in their room?
  • Do residents have access to a private telephone and a television?
  • Can residents choose their roommate?


  • Does the facility offer a good variety of activities for residents? Are there activities in which room-bound residents can participate?
  • Is there an outdoor area for residents to enjoy? Is there staff to help residents access the outdoor area?

Safety & Care

  • Can I see my regular doctor?
  • Do residents receive annual flu shots and other types of preventive care?
  • Are care plan meetings offered for residents and family members at convenient times, whenever possible?
  • Have all deficiencies from the most recent state inspection report been corrected?

Come See for Yourself

Our top-quality care creates results.  In fact, our discharge to home rate is above the national average.  And our beautiful, comfortable surroundings make guests feel right at home. Come see what makes Resthaven Living Center so special.